lundi 4 novembre 2013


This week-end, Dave and I have been to England to visit his parents. 2 days of being taken care of by family, visiting cities, partying, eating well, sleeping a lot, walking in the woods, discovering new crafts and shops.

We have spent all our Saturday in Cambridge, which is very close to Dave’s hometown. What a city! I had a real crush! These beautiful university buildings absolutely amazed me. For a big fan of the Tudors like me, it was like living in the series! I thought the “Wedding Cake” building was absolutely gorgeous and so are the bridges over the river. Also Autumn spoilt us with its stunning colours. Isn't it the best season ever?

We went punting with an excellent young guide who explained many historical facts and anecdotes about the universities, the rivalries and life there nowadays. And I definitely think this is the best way to discover the city. It is so picturesque!

Here are a few pictures I  took while we were there. I hope they put stars in your eyes as much as this city put stars in mine!

Cambridge, I'll see you soon!

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