lundi 18 novembre 2013

The Hermitage - Dunkeld

Last Friday and Saturday, I was lucky enough to be part of a fam-trip organised by my company to visit the Highlands. On the way back to Edinburgh, we stopped at the Hermitage. It started with a walk in the woods. As you can expect in November, the forest displayed its most magnificient colours and smells. The river was running below us, some nuts falling from the trees (one directly on Lauriane’s head) and we could hear the sound of a waterfall. Lauriane and I kept walking while sharing our stories of us kiddos in the woods. We thought it was sad that we were not strolling through forests like that more often since we both love it. We took the decision to call one another if the urge for a walk in the woods was too high, to catch a bus and conquer the surrounding forests. That sounds like a fair deal, right?

A few minutes later, we arrived to a bridge from which we had a splendid view of the waterfall. I was taking a panoramic picture when Christoph arrived with big round eyes (his eyes are usually long and calm) and said out of breath and full of excitement “I just saw a salmon jump in the waterfall! Let’s go to the platform and check if we can see more!”

And so we went. And this happened…

I am still amazed at this video. I have been in Scotland for almost 2 years now and I had never seen salmons jump in the river. First I was looking in the current but I then realized that salmons are famous for going upstream, towards the current. So I followed Christoph’s insctructions, I started to look where he was showing, and I saw it! I still can’t believe this! We were very lucky as they only leap during October and November.

That was definitely a highlight in this fam-trip!

More info on this page!

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